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Signing in

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publié le 16 juin 2017 (modifié le 27 novembre 2017)

  1. Logging in / Creating an Account / Connecting to an operator account?

1.1/ Creating an authentication account

The first time you connect to the GISTRID application, you will need to create an authentication account. To do this, click on the “Create my account” link in the left-hand column of the Cerbère authentification portal (the Ministry’s secure application)

How-to video : http://gistrid.application.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/support/fr/videos/Gistrid_Obtention_Compte_Cerbere.htm

1.2/ Creating an operator account

There are two types of operator accounts in the GISTRID application. These are the two “entities” which can carry out actions within the application :

  • “Notifier” operator account
  • “Treatment facility” operator account

Once the authentication account has been created, you will then need to request the creation of a “notifier” or “treatment facility” operator account on GISTRID.

To do this, click on the “request creation of operator account” in the “operator” tab, and enter the information requested :

You will then need to submit your request for validation by the competent authority, by clicking the “Save and submit my request” button at the bottom of the page.

Watch the video on “Requesting the creation of a new operator account” : http://gistrid.application.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/support/fr/videos/Gistrid_Creation_Operateur.htm

1.3/ Connecting to an operator account

  • If connecting to an operator account for the first time

Once you have signed in to GISTRID, click on “request authorisation from the competent authority” in the “operator” tab.

 Enter the GISTRID number provided by the PNTTD.

You will then need to submit a request so that the PNTTD can validate your connection by clicking on “Save and submit my request”.

  • For subsequent connections

Once you have signed in to GISTRID, click on “request authorisation from operator” in the “operator” tab.

Enter ONLY the GISTRID number before submitting your request to the PNTTD by clicking on “Save and submit my request.”

1.4/ Becoming affiliated to an operator created by another user

When the operator in question has already been created in GISTRID by another user, the PNTTD no longer takes charge of connection requests.
You will need to contact the “confirmed user” so they can send you the operator’s GISTRID number.

Once you have signed in to GISTRID, click on “request authorisation to connect to operator” in the “operator” tab and enter ALL information requested before clicking on “Save and submit my request.”

 Enter the GISTRID number
 Enter the email address of the “confirmed user”

When connected, the operator’s “confirmed user” can view the connection request by clicking on “user options” in the “operator” tab.
They may then accept or deny the request.

This connection will provide the user with access to all current and future notifications.

  2. What are the user rights of a “notifier” operator?

A notifier operator can :

  • Create/modify/search for notifications ;
  • Manage carriers/producers involved in their notifications ;
  • Complete and sign the pre-notification document for waste movement ;
  • Stand in for the treatment facility in order to complete and upload the receipt and processing of a movement document.

  3. What are the user rights of a “treatment facility” operator?

A treatment facility operator can :

  • Search for notifications ;
  • Manage authorisation/insurance files ;
  • Complete and sign, or upload, a movement document for receipt or processing.

  4. Can I connect to several operators?

GISTRID allows users to connect to several operators of the same type. As such, a user connected to a “notifier” operator may also connect to other “notifier” operators.

However, in order to connect to a treatment facility operator, a second authentication account will be required (registered under another email address).

All the information provided above is available in this pdf : gisrid authentification (format pdf - 86.2 kio - 24/05/2017)