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Knowing the PNTTD
About the PNTTD

The PNTTD is the new France’s central authority for transboundary movements of waste since 2015.


The PNTTD processes, free of charge, requests for transboundary movements of waste, which are submitted by notifiers.


With 18 agents, the PNTTD team includes : 1 director, 1 assistant director, 3 assistants and 13 agents, whose primary role is the review of individual case files.


Files are distributed across the team of case reviewers, who use GISTRID as their primary means of communication with notifiers. How do our teams operate through the various stages in the life cycle of an export, import or transport file?


The hotline was set up to answer inquiries made to the PNTTD regarding the compilation of TMW files (how files should be submitted, using GISTRID, etc.)

Activity Report

The PNTTD 2016 Activity Report is currently being compiled. It will be published online as soon as possible.