Introduction to the GISTRID application

GISTRID is a web application created in order to digitalise the notification procedure for transboundary movements of waste.
The application aims to simplify the process, from the submission of notification files to the completion of waste transfer operations, including the certified treatment of waste products.
It allows users to consult and manage their export and import files.
If you have any questions about using the application, you should be able to find the answers in the "Using GISTRID" section (in particular the Frequently Asked Questions about GISTRID).
Otherwise, you can call the hotline.
Please also note that the PNTTD has trained members of industry federations to use GISTRID, in order to allow them to pass on this training to individual users. Don’t hesitate to contact your trade federation if you need help.
New versions of GISTRID are regularly made available online in order to improve the services provided.
Example : interconnection with other TMW applications in other countries is currently under development. The first has already been launched with DZEDAL (the German TMW system). Further information will be posted online soon.
Gestion par Internet du Suivi des Transferts Internationaux de Déchets
(Internet-based Management of International Waste Movement Monitoring)
(Internet-based Management of International Waste Movement Monitoring)
NB : the recommended browser for using the application is FIREFOX.
However, GISTRID also works in INTERNET EXPLORER (IE), though certain images may not be visible (due to IE’s preconfigured security settings)
The application is configured correctly when you see : Internet Options => Security => Security Settings : zone - "Internet". The location of this setting may vary depending on your version of IE. You may have to relaunch IE in order to change the zone.
If the zone selected is “Local Intranet”, the images will not be displayed. The zone should therefore be changed to “Internet”.
However, IE may still automatically revert to the “Local Intranet” zone.
If this occurs, you will need to go to Internet Options => Security => Security Settings : zone - "Local Internet" => Sites and untick all the boxes in order to disable automatic detection of intranet networks. Again, the location of this setting may vary depending on your version of IE.