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Compiling a notification file

Information regarding the waste/producer

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publié le 15 mai 2017 (modifié le 24 novembre 2017)

In order to review the file, the PNTTD’s case reviewers require clear and precise information regarding the items or substances being transported.

The notifier must therefore provide, using any means necessary (written explanation, regulatory definition, photos, slides, etc.), information regarding :

  1. The waste producer and the manner in which the waste was produced

- Provide the producer’s operating license (where possible)
- Describe the production process by which the waste was produced

Please note : if the waste producer is not the notifier, a contract must be drawn up between the two parties and attached to the notification file. See template : notifying producer contract (format pdf - 6.7 ko - 12/05/2017)

  2. The composition and hazard level of the waste

Here you should provide a description of the waste :
- Waste identification form
- Nature and classification of the waste
- Reason for export (Annex IA - Section 11)

A chemical analysis is often a useful addition here, and may be required for certain waste types to be processed in France :

or those to be processed in other countries :

  • RPIFHWs (Residues from the Purification of Incineration Fumes from Household Waste)

  3. Specific information on waste for recovery

If the waste in question is being sent for recovery, the notifier must indicate :

a) the planned method and destination for the disposal of waste residue after recovery
b) the volume of materials to be recovered compared to waste residue and non-recoverable waste
c) the estimated value of recovered materials
d) the cost of recovery and the cost of disposal of any remaining residue