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Completing a notification document

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publié le 24 mai 2017 (modifié le 20 décembre 2017)

Requests for notification numbers (for exports) are made via GISTRID.

NB : Before obtaining a notification number in GISTRID, you will need to have a “notifier” account on this application->see the“logging on" section.

  1. How do I obtain a notification number?

The link below is to a video explaining “How to obtain a notification number.”

The notification number is requested by clicking on the “create” link in the “File” tab.
The number will be assigned once the “Sections 1 - 10” tab is completed and saved.

You will then find the notification number in the second tab “2 - 7” in Section 3 :


  2. How do I upload supporting documents?

Once the notification document has been fully completed, and before submitting the request, the notifying party must attach a number of supporting documents to the file. The “supporting documents” tab allows the user to upload all documents required by the PNTTD in order to review the file. Only the sections that apply to your file need to be completed. (If the waste is not subject to any interim operations, it is not necessary to complete the section for interim operations.)

Only one single document may be uploaded for each item required ; however, it is possible to attach a compressed file containing several documents.

The maximum document size is 2 MB, or sometimes 20 MB -> see the Frequently Asked Questions about GISTRID for details on maximum file sizes for supporting documents.

  3. How do I “send” (submit) the file to the PNTTD?

Once the notification document has been completed and supporting documents uploaded, it is then necessary to submit the file for review by the PNTTD. To do so, click on “Sign and Submit” (or “submit” if you do not have an electronic signature certificate) at the bottom of the page in the “notification document” tab.

  4. Can a file be duplicated?

At any point in the existence of a notification file, the file may be duplicated by clicking on “duplicate” at the bottom of the “overview” tab.

Duplicating the file means copying all information from Annex IA, aside from the dates for the initial and final departures in Section 6, which must be entered in the new file.
Supporting documents are also copied in the corresponding tab.

  5. Where and how do I enter producer / carrier details?

Producer and carrier details and associated documents can be managed on two levels :

  • notifier operator
  • section 8 of the notification document

5.1/ At Notifier operator level

The list of carriers and producers may be entered via the notifier operator to then be used in various related notification files.

The notifier has the ability to link documents to their producers/carriers using the operator tab, by clicking on the action button (the “eye”).

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5.2/ In section 8 of the Notification

Documents may be selected during the creation of a notification procedure in tab 8 (carriers). The notifier may choose whether or not to select a document for the notification.

Using these two tabs, the notifier can upload one or several specific documents. These documents, when selected or added, will also be accessible via the “supporting documents” tab in the notification file.

  6. What happens when additional information is requested?

The PNTTD will alert the notifier of any additional information requests via GISTRID. When a request is created, its status is “open”.

The notifier may then respond to each request by clicking on the action button and uploading documents where necessary.

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Once the additional information requested by the PNTTD has been supplied, the reviewer will “close” the request.
Any request that remains “open” is considered to be incomplete or not validated by the PNTTD.

All the information above is available in the following guidance sheet : gistrid notification (format pdf - 394.1 kio - 24/05/2017)