Transboundary Movements of Waste

Click on the image to access GISTRID :

Introduction to the GISTRID application
What is it used for? What does GISTRID stand for? Which browser should you use? Are there new versions of the application? …
Signing in
How do I do this? How do I connect? What can each type of operator account (notifier / treatment facility) be used for?
Completing a notification document
How do I complete a notification document? How do I upload supporting documents? How do I send or submit my file? …
Duplicating a file
If you wish to repeat a file faster, consider duplicating it ! Here you will find the advantages of this method explained in more detail.
Logging movements of waste
How do I complete and submit movement documents (pre-notification, receipt, treatment)? How can I close the notification process?
Managing Carriers and Producers
How do I do this? What user level is this done from? What is the best way to do it?
Frequently Asked Questions about GISTRID
Here you will find the answers to over 20 frequently-asked questions, such as : Is it possible to duplicate a dossier? What should I do if I can’t find my treatment facility in GISTRID? …