Logging movements of waste

1. How to complete a movement document?
Once the notification has been approved, the notifier will need to log each movement on GISTRID as it is carried out, using the “Monitor Waste Movements” tab.
1.1/ Pre-notification
The notifier-operator can log pre-notification, in accordance with article 16© of Regulation 1013/2006, by clicking on “Create a movement document” and filling out the sections of Annex IB. Once the information entered has been saved, the movement is pre-notified.
The notifier can edit the movement document at the bottom of the page in order to sign it manually.
They can also sign it electronically if they have an electronic signature certificate.
1.2/ Receipt/Treatment
“Treatment facility” operators can log receipt of the waste in accordance with Article 16(d) of Regulation 1013/2006.
GISTRID also allows “notifier” operators to stand in for treatment facilities. They therefore have the ability to log reception and treatment of waste. To do so, click on the relevant movement, and at the bottom of the page select the “Finalise” option.
Once this has been done, the notifier enters the details of the waste treatment operation in accordance with Article 16(e).
The treatment facility may also sign documents electronically.
An electronic signature in the software program indicates that the waste has been properly received and treated. If the treatment facility signs off on the movements electronically, they do not need to upload a copy of the document signed by hand.
Subsequently, an uploaded copy of Annex IB, signed in sections 18 and 19 by the treatment facility, confirms that the waste has been properly received and treated by the facility.
NB : The notifier cannot sign electronically on behalf of the treatment facility.
2. How can I close the notification process?
Once the final movement of waste has been carried out, all necessary information has been entered and all annexes IB have been uploaded, users should then click on “Close Notification” at the bottom of the “Waste Movement Monitoring” tab.
Only once this has been done may the notifier issue a request to the PNTTD for the financial guarantee to be lifted.
See how is the financial guarantee removed?
The information cited above can be found in the following help sheet :
gistrid mouvements (format pdf - 114.4 kio - 24/05/2017)