Transboundary Movements of Waste

Duplicating a file

publié le 6 février 2019

To replicate a file in GISTRID more quickly, the file can be “duplicated”.

What are the advantages of this method ?

When a file that has been previously logged in GISTRID is renewed, it is no longer necessary to re-submit all of the data provided in the application, which saves time.

All of the fields in Appendix 1A will already be completed, with the exception of field 6, as it contains the desired movement dates.

How To

Access the notification that has already been approved ; then, within the “Synthèse” (Synthesis) tab, click “Dupliquer” (Duplicate).

This will create a new file and a new automatically generated number.

You must now :

  • carefully check all information recorded in the previous file (e.g. no. of tons, no. of movements, transporters, etc.) and make appropriate modifications ;
  • record the most recent desired movement dates ;

What about the supporting documentation ?

Supporting documentation must be re-uploaded in the new file (the contract and financial guarantee must be re-submitted as they must contain the notification number).

On the other hand, this step is no longer required for transporters and producers as long as the documents concerning the latter are included by your operator (Please refer to the following page :

- either they are not attached -> upload supporting documentation
- or they are already stored in the operating system -> you must go into the list of transporters (section 8) or producers (section 9) of the file you are duplicating. Once you have located the relevant section, click on the right-hand button and check the updated files in the operating system.

This allows you to store a transporter’s guarantees for 2016, 2017 and 2018, for example, within GISTRID, and checking only the data for the file concerned.

When to use the duplication function

For the most part, files that are duplicated have been previously “approved”.
But it is also possible to duplicate a “draft”, “submitted” or “by the book” file.

In conclusion

Of course, the option of “submitting” the duplicated file should be considered so that it can be processed by the PNTTD.

NB : The file should make note of the fact that it is a duplication of file FR 201……….